The Music Inside by Al Geist The joung boy sat in the audience quietly listening to the violin performance in progress. He leaned back and closed his eyes. His heart was bursting with ecstasy. In his mind's eye the notes became colors that swirled and danced with the melody. He floated up amoung them. The sound and light filled his being and left him feeling light and happy even after the performance finished. He remained in his seat as the others left the auditorium. He watched the people mingle, chat, and leave. The stage curtain was closed and the stage was dark. In the silence of the empty hall, the music again filled his being and drew him down to the stage. He peeked behind the curtain. There in the dim light he saw the master's instrument sitting on a side table. He walked over and stared at the violin that had filled him with such ecstasy. Suddenly he was aware of someone standing behind him. He looked back over his shoulder as the master asked, "What do you seek?" "To play the violin as beautifully as you sir." "And why do you seek this?" "Because the music filles me with so much happines." "Your desire must be great to achieve this level of mastership. Many years of study are required." "I will study hard!" "Yes you will. But first ponder this, why do I play this music?" The boy turned back to the violin on the table. He thought about the music inside and pondered the master's words.