PVM Web page http://www.epm.ornl.gov/pvm

Advanced PVM Programming Tutorial

Presented by Al Geist


PVM Programming Model
Basic Features of the model
How PVM is designed
How PVM is being used
Comparison to MPI-1
Improving PVM Application Performance
Choosing pack and send options
Matching granularity of communication and algorithm
Load balancing
Adding Fault Tolerance
Virtual Machine Fault Tolerance
Application fault tolerance - using pvm_notify
Hiding PVM - embedded in applications
Using Signals safely
Building Interactive Applications
Multiplexing PVM with other communication
Writing event-driven programs
Using pvm_getfds
Debugging Tips
XPVM - tracing
Using Print statements
Using full featured debuggers
Customizing PVM - "Plug-ins"
Making PVM extensible
Resource Manager interface
Hoster interface
Tasker interface
New PVM 3.4 Functions
Present the API and its functionality
Present some ways to use the new features
Incorporating the new functions into old codes
Users expand PVM's scope
PVM ported to WIN'95 and NT
CUMULVS - adding visualization and steering to PVM applications
PVMPI - allows applications to use features of both MPI and PVM
JavaPVM - allows Java applications to use PVM
Perl-PVM - Pearl extension to PVM
TkPVM - allows tcl/tk programs to use PVM
LispPVM - allows Lisp programs to use PVM

Last Modified July 2, 1996 by Geist